Intel コンパイラ -> Mac

Intel が開発環境を Mac プラットフォームに提供するらしい(。以下要約。

Intel will port their development tools to Mac OS X and will ship its first beta later this year.


Intel will provide Mac tools for both single-core and multicore processors based on Intel's latest compiler technology. ... [snipped] ... Intel's compilers and libraries will work as plug-ins to Apple's Xcode development environment running in Mac OS X for Intel. ... [snipped] ... The Mac OS X compilers and libraries will require Apple's prototype Intel-based Macs hardware and won't run on generic PCs

シングルコア、マルチコア両方に対応。Xcodeプラグインとして提供。AppleMac ハードウェアを対象とし、他の PC では動かない。

The Intel tools will support C, C++ and FORTRAN, but will not provide a compiler for Objective C, a language that Apple supports for Mac OS X developers. The Intel tools will be interoperable with Objective C.

C, C++, FORTRUN をサポート。Objective-C は対応しないけど、Objective-C との相互利用可能。